Atsisiųsti žaidimą

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Įvertink žaidimą:

A witch's quest for revenge spells trouble for a young mother and her son in this haunting hidden object adventure! Guide the mother as she pursues the witch through time and space to save her son from a fate worse than death. Interact with a variety of characters, find useful objects, and then use the items to solve cunning puzzles. The variety of quests you must take on will keep you pressing forward to the game's shocking conclusion: Collect battle armor for a talking skeleton, assemble a special key belonging to an exorcist and save a witch from burning at the stake, all in an effort to stay on the trail of your nemesis! Beautiful artwork brings each scene to life, while the use of pictures instead of word lists simplifies the process of looking for hidden objects, even as the creators of the game employ clever new ways of hiding things in plain sight. Can you rise above every challenge and triumph over evil?

Windows XP, Vista or 7 / 2.5 GHz processor / 1024 MB RAM / 1.4 GB hard drive space / DirectX 9.0 or later
Try 263.71Mb

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