Atsisiųsti žaidimą

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Įvertink žaidimą:

From Japan to Barcelona, racks full of vibrant clothes and lifelike new models await you in Jojo's Fashion Show: World Tour. Mother and daughter designers, Jojo and Rosalind Cruz, have finally earned a name in the fashion world. Now Ros is leaving the nest to pursue her own dreams and Jojo must find a replacement. As backstage drama unravels, Jojo quickly discovers that fair-weather friends and ruthless enemies are closer than she ever suspected.

Join Jojo in her worldwide quest to keep the Las Cruces label hot and fend off devastating scandals. Can you suit up a burly bullfighter with seconds to spare? Do you have what it takes to design clothing worthy of the Las Cruces runway? With Ros across the ocean and the Las Cruces label on the rocks, Jojo needs your fashion savvy more than ever.

Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 2000 / 1 GHz Pentium 3 or equivalent / 512MB RAM / DirectX 7.0
Try 220.19Mb

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