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If you have even an ounce of pirate blood pumping through your veins, then raise the Jolly Roger and start a perilous journey in search of riches and glory untold! In Sea Bounty, you try to increase your fortune by purchasing and developing new lands. The more properties you acquire and the more ships you construct on them, the more rent you can charge other players when they land on your territory.

First, roll the dice and set sail for a coastal town or an island. If you have enough money, you can purchase the land. You can also swap properties with other players and upgrade your territories once you own a complete group. Just try to avoid being sent to Prison, and remember to say your prayers when you put down on Chance. Can you be the last man (or woman) standing after bankrupting the other players? Download Sea Bounty to find out!

PIII-750 / 128M RAM / 3D Video 32M

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