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Pizzas! Donuts! French Fries! How many orders can you handle at once? Delivery King puts you in the driver's seat as you race all over town delivering orders to eager customers. Transporting several identical orders in a row earns you additional cash, allowing you to purchase powerups that will boost your speed or increase the patience of your customers. You can also take advantage of a special customer who will deliver all of the current orders of a particular item for you.

There are a few bumps along the road to success. Sly thieves pop up from time to time, forcing you to make a detour to the police station to report the crime. You've got to stay on your toes during the bonus games, too, especially the one in which you steer your way through insane rush hour traffic! Delivery King also features a rags-to-riches love story that will touch your heart.

PIII-750 / 128M RAM / 3D Video 32M

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