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Slip into a pair of overalls and try your hand at running a farm! From tending to the fields where your cows graze to gathering eggs for sale at the town market, Farm Frenzy is as stimulating as the real thing, only you won't have to experience the nasty smells! You will, however, be required to invest the money you earn in new equipment. Building a cheese dairy, for example, allows you to process your milk on the spot and make even more cash!

To beat a level in Farm Frenzy, you must complete a specific task, such as producing a certain number of eggs. Each new level is more challenging than the last, so you must increase the capacity of your warehouse and improve the performance of your production facilities. You can even buy a larger truck capable of delivering more goods to market! All of this makes dealing with the occasional bear easier. Featuring compelling and enjoyable gameplay, Farm Frenzy lets you give Old MacDonald a run for the money!

PIII-750 / 128M RAM / 3D Video 32M

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