Atsisiųsti žaidimą

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Įvertink žaidimą:

With a single touch, Sarah Meiville can see the final moments of a dead person's life. Though this gift once made her valuable to the police, the cops have shunned her since a tragic turn of events cost innocent people their lives.

Then dead bodies started piling up, a bizarre symbol on their foreheads. Soon, whispers of the Nothingman could be heard on the rain-slicked streets of the city, prompting a tabloid writer to lure Sarah out of retirement to stop a madman.

Guide Sarah through a classic noir adventure as she searches for clues, solves puzzles and learns to use new visions that appear to be helping her. The Gift will transport you through a town steeped in neon glow, challenge you with cunning mini-games and surprise you with cleverly hidden objects. From the music, to the visuals, to the voice work, The Gift is an unforgettable cross between a moody '40s detective movie and a modern occult thriller.

Can you bring the killer to justice and restore Sarah's name? Lives are depending on it!

Windows XP or later / 1.66 GHz processor / 512 MB RAM / GeForce 8600 GS or Radeon X1300 256 MB / DirectX 9.0 or later
Try 572.73Mb

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