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Long-forgotten memories bubble to the surface when the past invades the present in Lake House: Children of Silence! Located at the edge of a gloomy lake and shrouded in fog, the house at the center of this story has stood empty for 15 years. All that's left of the family that once lived there are their discarded belongings and home movies that reveal a terrible secret. Beckoned by what appears to be a ghost, a woman who lived there as a child and her fiancé return to the house to solve a mystery that begins with an old photograph and ends in a secret room. Guide the fiancé as he explores locations blanketed in mist and tries to rescue his bride-to-be from the grip of a masked stranger. Find hidden objects, solve puzzles and prepare yourself for an ending that will take you to a place darker than you can imagine!

Windows XP or later / 1.7 GHz processor / 512 MB RAM / DirectX 9.0b-compatible graphics card / DirectX 9.0b-compatible sound card / DirectX 9.0b or later
Try 562.92Mb

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