Atsisiųsti žaidimą

Paveiksliukai iš žaidimo (Spausk kad padidėtų)

Įvertink žaidimą:

Chronoclasm Chronicles brings together action, adventure, and puzzle solving in a single epic story developed around a destructive time paradox. At the heart of this breathtaking fusion of elements is Jane, who as the game begins arrives in France to visit her uncle, only to learn he's died. While still there, she discovers a time machine, which she dares to use, hoping to bring her uncle back. Unfortunately, she creates a growing temporal clash that places mankind at the brink of destruction. To save the world, you must guide Jane through 17th century France, exotic Ancient India, and the cunning traps of the Mayans, completing quests and solving the enigma of the temporal clash as you go. Packed with compelling characters, dazzling historical detail and sumptuous visuals, Chronoclasm Chronicles will slake your thirst for adventure and satisfy your hunger for a mental challenge!

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