Atsisiųsti žaidimą

Paveiksliukai iš žaidimo (Spausk kad padidėtų)

Įvertink žaidimą:

Katy and Bob need to learn the value of a dollar, so their father strands them on an island where their only option is to earn their tickets home! Join these slothful siblings as they find work slinging drinks at a tropical bar! While the clock ticks down the minutes until closing time, make and serve a variety of mouthwatering cocktails and juices, surprise your customers with fireworks and other embellishments, and complete extra tasks to earn more coin. Buy artifacts to speed up the completion of tasks, upgrade the bar, and meet a variety of hilarious patrons, all of whom have a unique personality. Will you help Katy and Bob return home in this thrilling time management romp? The doors are open and customers are pouring in!

Minimalūs techniniai reikalavimai kompiuteriui:
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 / CPU: 1 GHz / RAM: 1024 MB / DirectX 9.0
Išbandyti 127.94Mb
Dabar tik nuo 8Lt Pagalba

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