Atsisiųsti žaidimą

Paveiksliukai iš žaidimo (Spausk kad padidėtų)

Įvertink žaidimą:

You always thought the Fair Folk were a myth: Leprechauns aren't real, there's no gold at the end of the rainbow, and there's nothing inside those heather-covered hills but heaps of dirt. But when your brother vanishes into thin air on Samhain night, you start to have your doubts. All signs point to a magical realm contained deep within the hills! Discover the hidden world of the Aos Sidhe: Hear the wail of the banshee; visit the Gremlin mechanic; find the end of the rainbow; and face Medb, the formidable Queen of the Sidhe. Adventure is waiting for you in the magical world of Celtic Lore!

Minimalūs techniniai reikalavimai kompiuteriui:
Windows XP, Vista or 7 / 1.4 GHz processor / 1024 MB RAM / 670 MB hard drive space / DirectX 9.0 or later
Išbandyti 260.96Mb
Dabar tik nuo 8Lt Pagalba

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