Atsisiųsti žaidimą

Paveiksliukai iš žaidimo (Spausk kad padidėtų)

Įvertink žaidimą:

Year 2009. April 38. Monday. No fly with any insect dignity will ever forget this day.

Yeah, that was the day when hordes of alien scum attacked our little green planet. These monstrous green freaks had harassed three grasshoppers, stolen spots from the lady bug's wings, but most importantly kidnapped all flies from planet Earth. Some say they took a bug with them, but that information was later reputed by two stampedes that insist it was a bear, not a bug. We can only guess…

The British intelligence sources have proof that the reason all flies were boarded to the alien spacecraft is because of their brains. Or lack thereof, to be exact. The aliens wanted to know how flies manage to think without having this important neural organ. So far the aliens have performed one surgical brain removal to one of their own. The experiment was deemed to be a failure.

Right now all the flies from planet Earth are packed inside one-gallon glass jugs and are hidden on five different planets. But the flies called John and Hans got lucky. They managed to befriend the alien who had his brain removed. He turned out to be a real groovy dude and let the flies out.

In the room next door, John and Hans have stumbled upon the latest model of the alien combat robot. Hans turned out to be a great mechanic. He got inside and started the robot. John, who used to leave near the pilots cafeteria before, managed to learn robotв navigation system. They called their robot Flyonoid.

Now, with such powerful weapon in their arsenal, they rush to save their fellow-insects!!!

May the force be with them!

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