Atsisiųsti žaidimą

Paveiksliukai iš žaidimo (Spausk kad padidėtų)

Įvertink žaidimą:

Nightfall Mysteries: Asylum Conspiracy centers on Christine, an orphan who travels to an abandoned mental institution named Ashburg Asylum to locate her grandfather. Once there, she discovers the madhouse is far from deserted and begins to unravel the twisted threads of a sinister plot. As she explores the eerie grounds of the asylum and encounters one unsettling character after another, Christine uncovers the dark secrets of the institution and, ultimately, the truth about her past. Solve challenging puzzles and find skillfully hidden objects as you make your way deeper into the conspiracy!

Minimalūs techniniai reikalavimai kompiuteriui:
Windows XP, Vista or 7 / 1 GHz processor / 512 MB RAM / DirectX 8.0 or later / 500 MB hard drive space
Išbandyti 199.86Mb
Dabar tik nuo 8Lt Pagalba

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